Best Movie Finder 应用

Best Movie Finder 1.3.2
Do you want to watch awesome movies andpopular movies that you like? Do you need an entertainment app torecommend movies to watch on HULU or Netflix? If you do, you needto download Best Movie Finder app. This is a movie suggester appwhere you can find some top movies you will love. We suggest thebest movies based on YOUR ratings & preference, not from othermovie ratings sites such as Rotten Tomato or IMDB reviews. We arespecifically looking for similar movies, such as movie plot,according to your preferences.You read IMDB ratings, IMBD reviews, watch recommended filmsfrom friends, and browse Rotten Tomatoes and other similar filmrating and movie ratings sites. You look for great films andpopular movies for entertainment on theater or on Hulu &Netflix. However, it turns out that finding similar films isn’teasy. Even when you read glowing IMDB reviews & look forsimilar movie plot, you are disappointed. Fortunately, with BestMovie Finder, we’ve created a film suggester that recommends moviesand delivers your personal top movies list.Best Movie Finder is different from other movie app. Movierecommendations from others might not suit your personal taste eventhough they are popular movies. Movie ratings aren’t very usefulbecause different people have different preferences inentertainment. Reading movie reviews can take a long time. Who hastime to read all the reviews on Rotten Tomatoes or browse IMDBreviews? So what’s the best way to find similar movies to the onesyou really like and who will recommend movie that you love foryou?Through a complex algorithm, we bring you this magical moviesuggester app that will satisfy your cravings for the best moviesto watch and give you the best entertainment experience. Wecalculate the movies you’ll love based on your preferences such asmovie plot so we can best recommend movie that suits yourtaste.In addition, you’ll get the ratings for movies from RottenTomatoes and IMBD reviews as well as film plot descriptions. BestMovie Finder will also provide links to the following famous moviesites: Rotten Tomatoes, IMDb and Wikipedia, showing even moredetails about your favorite movies. We'll suggest awesome moviesbased on your previous movie ratings and you will find films withmovie plot you like.So how does Best Movie Finder work & how do we recommendmovie for you?First, install this movie app on your device for FREE to startdiscovering awesome movies. Then rate a couple of popular movies togive us an idea about what you like. This will take only a fewminutes of your time. We'll then suggest your personal top 100movies based on your movie ratings. You can also modify this listeasily by rating each movie. What’s even better is that this moviesapp will automatically update your entertainment preferences as youmake these changes! Thus, your personal top 100 movie list willbecome better with each additional rating.Stop wasting time watching movies you don’t like or browsing forhours on IMBD reviews to find movies to watch. Use Best MovieFinder now and start enjoying awesome movies that are perfect foryou!Please note that this app does not provide streaming ordownloading services for recommended movies like Netflix or Hulu.This is not a typical film rating site like IMDB reviews or RottenTomatoes. It will also not show every movie or TV series that hasever existed.Love this movie suggester app? Please leave us your rating andreview to support us so we can continue to help you discover thebest & most popular movies for your entertainment.